The Indonesia Nederland Youth Society (INYS) is a youth-led organization which aims to better connect young Dutch and Indonesians to each other and to Indonesia–related opportunities. We are registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KVK: 58523472) as a Non-Profit Organization (Stichting).
The INYS shares the same vision as the Indonesia Nederland Society and is supported by the Indonesian Embassy in The Hague and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Our primary goal is to focus on how to improve the relationship between Indonesia and The Netherlands. We aim to better connect young Dutch and Indonesians to each other and to Indonesia-related opportunities.
INYS was founded by Rennie Roos in October 2013.
In 2015, the Indonesian chapter was launched at Erasmushuis, Jakarta.
Some of the previous board members are now a member of the Board of Trustees, who advice the INYS board members where necessary.
The Indonesia Nederland Youth Society (INYS) aims to connect and inspire young professionals and students. We do this by linking people to study and work-related opportunities in the Netherlands and Indonesia through:
Social Events
Career and Network Opportunities
Language and Pre Departure Training
From our standpoint as a neutral, respectful and accessible team we are able to be truly innovative to understand that the Dutch and Indonesians of today are the leaders of tomorrow.
We strive to promote a stronger relation between Dutch and Indonesian youth by bringing together people and opportunities.
The activities of the INYS are to be categorized along the following five streams:
Networking events and career events aimed to assist the youth to build networks with each other and to employers interested in hiring people with an interest in working in or on Indonesia.
The gathering and dissemination of any topical information through the Society’s own channels (e.g. website, publications and lectures), as well as through any other suitable media channels (e.g. social networks, press, visits to educational institutions);
The organisation of conferences around a specific theme or of platforms for discussion of important topics, either under the Society’s own branding or in co-operation with relevant other institutions;
The promotion of cultural and educational exchanges and projects, including scholarships at leading universities or other scientific institutions in both countries.
Generally, to facilitate and promote the dialogue and the relationship between the two countries wherever appropriate, by acting as a “go between” or as a “messenger”.
Do you still have any questions? Send us an email at We'd be glad to help you out!